God, I need help getting back on track.
It seem like no matter how many times I directly experience my intuition telling me "No, this isn't for you, let it go and let something else come in," I continue to try and manipulate things into being what I think I want them to be. And I manipulate myself into believing that it's possible for my intuition to be wrong.
NEWSFLASH! My intuition has NEVER been wrong.
EVERY time I have tried to push something into existence, it has backfired. EVERY time I have tried to be with a man who wasn't right for me, I have been heartbroken. EVERY time I have gone against myself, listened to my mind instead of my heart, and ignored my own Truth and Desire, I have been miserable. This feeling of drag, exhaustion, low vibration is telling me that I am going the wrong way! It is telling me that I am focusing in the wrong direction. I am ignoring my True Self and Her desires.
I am ignoring my Dream.
I want to recommit to my Dream. The urge for sex is so powerful and it is weighing me down. This vibrational habit I have created around sex is sapping my energy and distracting me from my Dream. All I can do is feel.
There is a lot of power here that I have not been flowing. Once I let go and open up and allow this energy to fill me and give me Life, I will feel much better and I will gain a lot of altitude and speed. It's ok that I am where I am. I know where I am based on how I feel. Where I am is not wrong, and I can get to where I want to be from here. I know this. But for now, I must be here and just experience this.
I'll be feeling better in no time.
It seem like no matter how many times I directly experience my intuition telling me "No, this isn't for you, let it go and let something else come in," I continue to try and manipulate things into being what I think I want them to be. And I manipulate myself into believing that it's possible for my intuition to be wrong.
NEWSFLASH! My intuition has NEVER been wrong.
EVERY time I have tried to push something into existence, it has backfired. EVERY time I have tried to be with a man who wasn't right for me, I have been heartbroken. EVERY time I have gone against myself, listened to my mind instead of my heart, and ignored my own Truth and Desire, I have been miserable. This feeling of drag, exhaustion, low vibration is telling me that I am going the wrong way! It is telling me that I am focusing in the wrong direction. I am ignoring my True Self and Her desires.
I am ignoring my Dream.
I want to recommit to my Dream. The urge for sex is so powerful and it is weighing me down. This vibrational habit I have created around sex is sapping my energy and distracting me from my Dream. All I can do is feel.
There is a lot of power here that I have not been flowing. Once I let go and open up and allow this energy to fill me and give me Life, I will feel much better and I will gain a lot of altitude and speed. It's ok that I am where I am. I know where I am based on how I feel. Where I am is not wrong, and I can get to where I want to be from here. I know this. But for now, I must be here and just experience this.
I'll be feeling better in no time.